We had a blast playing with AHAB, even though the stage was as dark as a dungeon. Coincidentally we had practiced playing without seeing for a while... good for us. Next show 17.01.2025 at Hirscheneck, Basel.
There haven't been any news for a long time now... but now we have shows to announce... see "live" for more information.
The Leaden Fumes will play a secret show which is sold out and small, in order to film some of the live action going on. And here is an intersting little review in the new OX magazine:
Leaden Fumes have a new video to the heavy song "The Eclectic Lizard" from Kanashibari, shared by Progrockjournal.
The new album KANASHIBARI is out! It is available from Sixteentimes Music. Get it here, or here.
Attention! Attention! Attention!
Pre-order of the new album "Kanashibari" has now begun at Sixteentimes Music's bandcamp site!
Here is the flyer for our record release show at Humbug Basel:
Yes! We participated at RegioSoundCredit and were chosen - among 36 candiates - to receive money for our coming album and video. Thank you Musikbüro Basel! We also can announce the record-release show will be at Humbug, Basel 14th April and our special guests will be Soldat Hans (folk doom from Winterthur) and Retromorcego (tropical death grunge from Basel).
Here it is... the new video to the new song Car Thief from our upcoming album on Sixteentimes Music: Car Thief Clip. And the record release show will be at Humbug on 14th April together with Soldat Hans from Winteerthur, and fellow Basel group Retromorcego. And while we're on the topic of live shows - the show at Sudhaus was a blast. Hopefully some live footage will surface soon.
Here we go... first show of the new year: 18.02. @ Loch, Basel together with our label mates Midnight Deadbeats.
We are back to rehearsing as the regular trio. The show with Renato from Echolot as stand-in was a blast. We played three trippy spaced out songs that went down very well and some of that might enter our set of new songs...
Even though our guitarist has broken his hand and we can neither rehearse nor play live, we are being productive... Last weekend we had a foto-shoot with Michael Greilinger, and soon we will shoot a first video for our upcoming new release on Sixteentimes Music, and finally, we will play a special show with Renato from Echolot helping out, where we will perform three improvisational and droney, trippy songs at the Glubos 50-year-jubilee fest.
Meanwhile, we hope that broken hand will heal nicely and quick, so that Flo can let the guitar scream again and we can proceed to bleed black...
Corona rears its ugly head again - our show with Human Impact (feat. members of Swans, Cop Shoot Cop and Unsane) was cancelled due to an outbreak in the headliner's camp. So it starts again. So we are frustrated again. So... we had a meeting with our label boss at Sixteentimes Music. Looks like we can look forward to a release date early in 2023.
The two shows with Acid Rooster and Magister were a blast. Thanks to Slow Club and Quarterdeck and everyone who came to enjoy our music! Meanwhile we are featured on a current Weedian compilation dedicated to Swiss bands.
Leaden Fumes are signing to Sixteentimesmusic! The new album "Kanashibari" will be released on vinyl and CD in early 2023. Also we'll be playing two shows in April, together with German bands Acid Rooster and Magister. The shows are in Basel and Freiburg.